Lynne Marie Mangan

Classical Musician and Educator


Note-able Detroit Area Music Stores

Animated Notes


There are many wonderful stores in the metro Detroit area that provide supplies and sheet music for musicians. Below, I have highlighted several stores that are near my Farmington Hills studio. If you need oboe method books, tuners, metronomes, cork grease, a music stand, or other general woodwind supplies, I strongly recommend you support these local businesses!

Even if you are not in southeastern Michigan, if you play any instrument in the double reed family, you should know about TrevCo-Varner Music. Based in Dexter, TVM is the world’s largest retailer of sheet music for double reed instruments. The company is owned by a professional bassoonist with his Doctoral degree in music. The staff is all professional oboists and bassoonists, with many music degrees and over 50 years of combined experience as teachers and performers.

Woodwind players in the Detroit area should be aware of Flute World. Located in Farmington Hills on Orchard Lake Road north of 13 Mile Road, Flute World is known as one of the best flute and woodwind music suppliers in the United States. They have a good selection of many of our favorite oboe method books, and have an outstanding selection of woodwind chamber music. Tuners, metronomes, music stands, and other supplies for the musician are available. The friendly staff will be happy to order any music or supplies you need. I highly recommend that you check out their store!

The Broughton Music Center in downtown Northville is a nice music store which carries many general music supplies.

We are very fortunate to have a world-class oboe repairman in Ypsilanti. Ko Kaiden is outstanding at small repairs and major instrument issues. I have had him personally work on my instruments on multiple occasions, and recommend him highly.

Cameron’s Music is in Livonia, located on Middlebelt Road between Five Mile Road and Six Mile Road. They carry a very good supply of music and musical supplies, and they do instrument repairs.

Marshall Music is one of the major rental companies in southeastern Michigan. They carry a good supply of etude books and woodwind instrument supplies, and also provide repair services. They have several locations in Michigan.

Other fine stores in the metro area that provide basic music books and woodwind supplies include:

Looking for something your local store doesn’t carry There are several wonderful companies that cater specifically to oboists and bassoonists. These doublereed specialty stores carry reed cases, tools, accessories, gift items, and hard-to-find music. Links to several of my favorite doublereed companies are available here: Specialty Stores for the Oboist

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